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TLC Known Verbs 3-4
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______ the horse (monter à)
ride, rode, ridden
the milk ______ (diminuer, tomber)
fall, fell, fallen
___________ my friend. (choisir)
choose, chose, chosen
________ a window. (casser)
break, broke, broken
________ a car. (conduire)
drive, drove, driven
________ a good song. (chanter)
sing, sang, sung
_________ a police officer. (devenir)
become, became, become
________ a beautiful view. (voir)
see, saw, seen
______ in place. (courir)
run, ran, run
________ a coke. (boire)
drink, drank, drunk
_______ at the beach. (nager)
swim, swam, swum
________ a gift. (donner)
give, gave, given
________ pizza. (manger)
eat, ate, eaten
_______ you my ring. (montrer)
show, showed, shown
_______ here. (venir)
come, came, come
I don't _________ (savoir)
know, knew, known
_______ a lion. (dessiner)
draw, drew, drawn
_________ a shower.
take, took, taken
________ my key. (oublier)
forget, forgot, forgotten
________ in the bush. (cacher)
hide, hid, hid
__________ at 9am (se lever)
wake, woke, woken up
I can ______! (voler)
fly, flew, flown
_______ a love story (écrire)
write, wrote, written
I ________ English. (parler)
speak, spoke, spoken