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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is the year end ceremony?
blah blah blah
What does pound mean?
to bang on something
What does original mean
blah blah blah
What did you do before you went to bed last night?
Before I went to bed last night ...I had
Whar is one time word we use for past perfect to show an action has been done?
A flat piece of wood
You must cut ____________ smoking? (stop)
You should cut _____________ on sugary and salty food. (eat less)
Where do you put your cold drinks? spell it
From the listening activity about healthy lifestyle what are some things you should do to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
eat less fatty food, exercise, do weight training, cycle etc
Why didn't Michele go shopping on Saturday?
She had already gone shopping the Saturday before.
Why didn't you eat shrimp last night?
I had already eaten shrimp the night before.
a small piece of evidence or information to help solve a puzzle
100 years
What do you call a very nice man who has good manners?
What is the word to talk about a the money a person has?
Where do you go to see a play or a band?
What do you call something that is very very old?
What do you call a very nice man who has good manners?