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Summer School Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Summer vacation was once meant only for the wealthy. True or False.
Summer in America has always meant vacation for everyone. True or False
What makes people slide down on water slides?
What helps reduce friction on water slides?
Who won the spelling bee in "Akeelah and the Bee"?
Akeelah and Dylan
What grade does Ms. Reyes teach?
Where does Ms. Reyes live?
What does spontaneous mean?
Not planned
What does interrogate mean?
Strongly question
What does chronological mean?
In order by date
What does aloof mean?
What does ecstatic mean?
Very excited
What does mandatory mean?
What does flourish mean?
What is the name of the competition Akeelah is competing in?
Spelling Bee
What is Akeelah good at?
What is the name of the girl in the movie?
How did Margot end up in a closet in "All Summer in a Day"?
The mean kids locked her in there.
Where was Margot when the sun came out in "All Summer in a Day"?
In a closet
How long did it rain in "All Summer in a Day"?
7 years
What are the students excited about in "All Summer in a Day"?
For the sun to come out
What planet are the students living on in "All Summer in a Day"?