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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a sentence in the future perfet continuous.
Answers will vary
(future perfect - negative) Jake can't come to the earlier film showing. He ___________ at that time
won't have finished
He's got a new job in Canada. He'll be _________ in Vancouver from September.
(future) I'm having driving lessons! Hopefully, I'll have __________ my test by summer.
1. Future set events / schedules 2. Prior plan (intention) 3. make an offer, promise or threat 4. Prediction (evidence) 5. Spontaneous Decision 6. Prediction (no evidence) 7. Plan (arrangement) - make sentences
answers will vary
(use past tenses) While I ________ (listen) carefully to what _______ (happen), someone _________ (knock) at my door.
was listening / had happened / knocked
(use past tenses) The reporter ______ (say) that a car ________ (crash) into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
said / had crashed
Create a sentence using the past perfect and past simple.
Answeres will vary.
My manager has told him to arrive earlier. (change to passive form)
He has been told to arrive earlier (by my manager).
A strange man was watching us. (change to passive form)
We were being watched (by a strange man).
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. (change to passive form)
Penicillin was discovered in 1928 (by Alexander Fleming)
I am feeling sick, I __________ less sweets! (past modal)
should have eaten
Create a sentence in the third conditional.
Answers will vary
If we _________ a map with us, we _______ (not be) lost now.
had brought / wouldn't be
Suppose your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, what _______ (do)?
would you do
If they left now, they __________ (be) in London by lunchtime.
would be
Create a mixed conditional sentence (2nd +3rd / 3rd + 2nd)
Answers will vary
Which modal can we use instead of 'should'? Give an example.
ought to
My eyes were super red last night (spectulate using a past modal)
Answers will vary