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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you ready for Prep A English? Why?
YES! You met the goal! You surpassed the learning route!
What was the climax in Freak the Mighty?
They defeat Max's father/Kevin goes to the hospital
What was the climax in A Long Walk to Water?
The choice to walk to Kenya because that lead to his foster home and then his home in America.
What does a character need to have in order to develop throughout the story?
motivations- those lead to their actions
What is a plot twist?
introduces a radical change in the direction or expected outcome of the plot
What is foreshadowing?
a warning or indication of (a future event)
What is the theme?
The lesson
What is the conflict in the story?
The problem or struggle that the main character faces.
What two types of characters are there?
Minor characters and major characters- protagonist/antagonist
What is a kingdom in the countryside, long ago an example of?
A setting
What is the setting?
The time and place of a story.
List the 5 parts of a short story (plot is one of them)
Conflict, plot, characters, setting, theme
Where are the characters and setting and the first conflict clue introduced?
In the exposition
What happens during the falling action?
The problem starts to be resolved
Where do we see development of small problems leading to the major conflict?
The rising action
What is the turning point of the story?
the climax
What is the last part of a plot called?
The resolution
What is the first part of a plot called?
The exposition