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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The fans were PROFUSE in their cheers for the star basketball player.
(adj.) plentiful, abundant
It was difficult to decide what to do Friday night because the city presented us with MYRIAD possibilities for fun.
(adj.) consisting of a very great number
After the performance, the reviewers gave the opera singer KUDOS for a job well done.
(n.) praise for an achievement
Though everyone else at the party was dancing and going crazy, she remained DEMURE.
(adj.) quiet, modest, reserved
Andrew had to CONCEDE that what his mother said about Diana made sense.
(v.) to accept as valid
The army finally CAPITULATED after fighting a long costly battle.
(v.) to surrender
A crew arrived to ASSESS the damage after the crash.
(v.) to evaluate
Moby-Dick is such a long book that even the abridged version is longer than most normal books.
1. (v.) to cut down, shorten (The publisher thought the dictionary was too long and abridged it.) 2. (adj.) shortened
Many ornaments are hung on a Christmas tree to ADORN it.
vt. 1. to be ornamental to; add beauty or distinction to; 2. put decorations on; ornament.  synonym- bedeck
Any basketball fan has to ADMIRE the effortlessness with which Jason Kidd dishes the rock to his teammates.
vt. 1. to look upon with approval, wonder, and delight; 2. to have a high regard for.   synonym- approve
The varsity hockey team did an ADMIRABLE job defending against their opponent’s star shooter.
adj. inspiring or deserving admiration or praise; excellent; splendid.  synonym-   splendid
Melissa agreed to ADJUDICATE a dispute between two of her neighbors on how high to construct a fence between their backyards.
vt. to hear and decide a court case —vi. to serve as a judge to decide some dispute or problem. synonym- decide
Peanut butter will ADHERE to one’s teeth almost every time.
1. to stick to something; stick to a plan; 2. to stay firm in support of a leader or a plan. synonym- stick
He's usually very ADEPT at keeping his private life out of the media
adj. very skilled, expert —n. a person who is very skilled in some field of endeavor or knowledge.  synonym- expert
When Mary travels between Miami and Juneau, she ADAPTS her wardrobe— especially outerwear—accordingly.
. 1. to make suitable or to make fit by changing; 2. to change oneself to fit new or changed conditions.   synonym- change
The eagle’s ACUTE eyesight can pick up a mouse on the ground from hun- dreds of meters in the air.
1. sharply pointed; 2. shrewd; quick of mind; 3. sensitive to something (like acute hearing);  synonym- serious
Dylan greeted the news that his new DVD player did not work at all with considerable ACRIMONY
n. bitterness, sharpness, or harshness of speech, manner, or temper.  synonym- harshness
Ali’s ACQUISITION of a new chauffeur pleased her to no end.
n. something or someone obtained.  synonym- hire
You would do well to ACQUIRE a good education.
1. to gain or get something; 2. to take possession of; obtain.  synonym- gain
I’d like to ACKNOWLEDGE both my parents for the gift of life.
1. to admit to be true; confess; 2. to recognize the claims or authority of;   synonym- confess