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The Unteachables

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the name of Mr. Kermit's former fiance who is also Ms. Fountain's mother?
Fiona Bertlsman
Who does Parker almost hit while driving a flaming car at the science fair?
Superintendent Thaddeus
What kind of cookie does Elaine steal and then choke on at Terranova Motors?
A Gingersnap
Which character is a former football star who is now on crutches?
What does everyone always say after Elaine's name?
"rhymes with pain"
Which character loves science fiction and gives everyone fictional names?
Which character is a great artist, but is constantly falling asleep?
What is Mr. Kermit's first name?
Who was responsible for the cheating scandal that ruined Mr. Kermit's career?
Jake Terranova
What was the title of the kids' science fair project?
The Internal Combustion Engine
How many more points would be added to each of the kids' tests for winning the science fair?
10 points
What kind of puzzles does Mr. Kermit give Parker to help with his dyslexia?
What name do the kids secretly call Mr. Kermit?
What type of instrument does Mr. Kermit hate?
What is the name of the middle school in the book?
Greenwich Middle School
What name do the unteachables call the substitute teacher?
Dawn of the Dead
What reward do the unteachables receive for good behavior?
What is the unteachables room number?
What is the name given to Mr. Kermit's extra large coffee cup?
The Toilet Bowl
What is the name of the official name of the unteachables' class?
SCS-8 (Self-Contained Special 8th Grade Class)
What is the name of the gecko in Ms. Fountain's room?
What does Parker (and later Mr. Kermit) call Mr. Kermit's car?
The Coco Nerd
What does Kiana call her stepmother?
What is the name of the book that Aldo and Elaine read together?
Where the Red Fern Grows