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Famous People from History

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Daughter of Russian Tsar who possibly turned up many years later after being thought dead
Russian religious figure
Russian electrical engineer
Nikola Tesla
Inventor of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Tony Telstra
Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla
Which nationality invented democracy?
Movie director; Jurassic Park, Jaws, ET etc
Steven Spielberg
American musician
Jimi Hendrix
US rapper
Blind musician
Stevie Wonder
Us rapper
Tupac Shakur
Scientist who discovered gravity
Isaac Newton
Painted the Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci
Artist famous for painting the ceiling of Sistine Chapel
Spanish artist
Salvador Dali
Dutch artist
Vincent Van Gogh
Indian cricketer
M S Dohni
Emperor of Japan after shogun era
Emperor Meiji
Former Shogun of Japan
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Famous golfer
Tiger Woods
LeBron James
Lionel Messi
Christiano Ronaldo
Tennis player
Serena Williams
Michael Jordan
Former US president, current convicted criminal
Donald Trump
Current Australian PM
Anthony Albanese
Inventor of car engine
Henry Ford
James Holden
Christopher Mazda
Charles Chevrolet
Russian President
Vladimir Putin
German philospher
Karl Marx
Adolf Hitler
Erwin Schrodinger
Sigmund Freud
Former US president
Barack Obama
Author of Harry Potter series
J K Rowling
Chinese philosopher
American Civil Rights activist, famous for the "I have a dream" speech
Martin Luther King Jr
Female ruler during Ancient Egypt
Famous Youtuber
Mr Beast
Figurehead of Christianity
Jesus Christ
Leader of Roman Empire
Julius Caesar
Usain Bolt
Scientist; Theory of Evolution
Charles Darwin
Famous singer
Elvis Presley
American president
Abraham Lincoln
Current monarch of England
King Charles
Forced Japan to open its borders
Commodore Matthew Perry
Indian activist
Who was the American president assassinated in 1963?
Which saint gave the money left by his parents to poor people?
Saint Nicholas
Which Queen ruled almost 64 years?
Queen Victoria.
Who is said to have strangled thirteen women in the 1960''s?
The Boston Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
The British Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
The London Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
The Birmingham Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
Who wrote a famous diary in WW2?
Anne Frank
Which Mexican female artist is well known for her self-portraits?
Frida Kahlo
Which military leader was known as the saviour of France in the 100 years war?
Joan of Arc.
Who discovered radium and polonium?
Marie Curie
Marie Mustardé
Marie Ketchup
Marie Mayonnaise
Who created the periodic table?
Dmitri Mendeleev
Rosa Bẽrg
Robertius Louis Mtal
Albert Einstein
Which general lost the Battle of Waterloo?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Which singer did the famous 'Moonwalk'?
Michael Jackson
What is the name of the queen who killed at least 284 Protestants?
Mary I
Mary 2
Elizabeth 1
Elizabeth 2
Who wrote and sang 'Stir it up'?
Bob Marley
Who composed The Magic Flute?
Who set Rome on fire?
Emperor Nero
Emperor Meiji
Emperor Vader
Emperor Tokugawa
Who created the atom bomb?
Robert Oppenheimer
Who helped Oppenheimer to build the atom bomb?
Albert Einstein.
Which pharaoh ruled when he was eight years old and died when he was 19?
Tutankhamun II
Who was a most feared serial killer in London in the 19th century?
Jack the Ripper
Ted Bundy
Queen Victoria
The man with the red jacket.
Who discovered America?
Christopher Columbus
What is the name of the famous writer who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
William Shakespeare.
Who started WW2?
Adolf Hitler.
Who was the first man on the moon?
Neil Armstrong.