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CS 10 unit 4 exam review

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how does the shield of the spirit protect us?
Satan has no defense against the power and truth of God’s word. It is our weapon in battle.
how does the helmet of salvation protect us?
This helmet protects our minds from believing Satan’s lies and reminds us THAT WE ARE SAVED NO MATTER WHAT.
how does the shield of faith protect us?
When we are attacked with insults, setbacks, temptations, etc. we will be protected when we cling to our faith
how do the shoes of peace protect us?
As we prepare to fight, we can be confident because Jesus has already won the war and he is on our side so we WILL win the battle.
how does the breastplate of righteousness protect us?
Satan tries to attack our hearts, emotions, self-worth, etc. The breastplate protects our hearts, the attacks do not penetrate.
how does the belt of truth protect us?
Reminds us we can Trust the Word of God. Satan comes at us with LIES. The Belt of Truth reminds us that God is the source of Truth
why is our biggest fight in our lifetimes not against other people, but against spiritual forces
because our earthly lives will end, our spiritual life is eternal - we should care more about our souls going to heaven than anything else
who is the father of lies?
what does New Age Spirituality open the door to?
other spiritual realms and it is a disguise for what is of Satan and not of God.
What does New Age spirituality refer to
It refers to the removal of negative energy by giving power or control to an individual
name the term: Seeking power or knowledge through supernatural means rather than the one true God. ex) Satanism, astrology, palm reading, tarot cards, ouija boards
what term? The belief that power comes from sources other than God. ex) voodoo dolls, spells
what term? Attributing to someone or something else a power that belongs to God alone and relying on such powers rather than trusting in God. Ex) astrology, numerology, charms
what does the 1st commandment demand?
that we put all our trust and hope in GOD ABOVE ALL
When will our soul will be reunited with the body in a new and gloried state?
after the Final Judgment
After you are in purgatory is there a chance you might still be sent to hell?
Explain what purgatory is.
A state of final purification or cleansing, which one may need to enter following death and before entering heaven. It is for souls destined for heaven.
Explain why purgatory is necessary.
In order to enter the perfection of Heaven, we must be purged and purified of selfishness and sin. We need this to enter the full glory of God.
Hell is often described as physical hell, but the main focus isn't physical torture, what is it?
Spiritual anguish from being separated from God
What could be one reason that hell is always described as fiery?
It came from the burning, garbage dump outside of Jerusalem where everything that no longer had a purpose was sent.
The common understanding of the afterlife in the Old Testament is that WHAT followed death.
how does the Judgment of Nations relate to "begin with the end in mind"?
When we die we want to go to heaven, but we will only get into heaven if we reach out and help the poor and vulnerable in our earthly life
what does it mean to begin with the end in mind?
When we have an ultimate goal [heaven], then we can figure out all of the specific ways that we can achieve that goal
Explain how praying to Mary and other people in heaven DOES NOT break the 1st Commandment (worshiping other gods or false idols).
We do not believe that they can ANSWER OUR PRAYERS LIKE GOD, nor do we worship them as we worship God. We are asking them to pray for us.
If only God can answer our prayers, why do we ask Mary, saints, and those that have gone before us to pray our prayers too?
We ask them to PRAY FOR US, because we believe they are intimately united with God in heaven.
what is intercession of the saints
asking the saints in heaven to pray for us
define veneration of the saints
to honour them for living a life of heroic holiness worthy of imitation and admiration
define communion of saints
all the faithful: living and dead
what can you learn from the Parable of the Rich Fool
that we must use our time and resources on earth to SHARE THE LOVE OF GOD
what is Memento Mori
a prayer practice to help us to "remember our death". If we remember that we could meet Jesus today, it will share our thoughts, words, and actions
what is our Ultimate Goal?
to go to heaven
why can't we use science to prove that God exists?
because science can only measure physical realities and God is beyond physical reality
what 3 things are scientific realities that relate to faith?
uncertainty, unpredictability, and mystery
how does the uncertainty principle help prove God
because it admits there are things in science that cannot be known or measured
explain the miracle of Our Lady of Guadeloupe
answers will vary
name 2 miracles attributed to praying the rosary
German priests in Hiroshima, spared victim of Ted Bundy, soldier bending down to pick up rosary...
what are Eucharistic miracles
blood and tissue form on a consecrated host
describe the Miracle of the Sun
answers will vary
what do the miracles of Jesus confirm?
that he is the Messiah
name the 4 types of miracles and give an example of each
nature, healing, exorcism, restoration of life
name the key term: phenomenal or supernatural event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers, more often than not incapable of being explained by the laws of nature.
name the expression of prayer: to sit in silence in the presence of God
name the expression of prayer: to use your imagination, emotions, thoughts, desires
name the expression of prayer: to say prayers out loud or silently
vocal prayer
what can we learn from unanswered prayers?
that God does not answer them in the way we expect, that the answer might be no or not right now, that prayers are not demands we put on God
name the 4 basic elements of the Our Father
1) Praise God's holy name 2) Desire for the Kingdom 3) Pray for our needs 4) Ask for forgiveness
What does the Lord’s Prayer teach us?
It summarizes the key elements of the entire Gospel message
name the type of prayer: Being truly sorry for the sins we have committed
name the type of prayer: Thankful for the gift of life and the gifts in life.
name the type of prayer: Recognition of the nature of God, recognition that everything comes from and belongs to God, and should be used for the glory of God.
blessing and adoration
name the type of prayer: It is when we ask God to help, heal, forgive, etc. other people
name the type of prayer: Prayers where we ask God for something good
name the type of prayer: Acknowledging that God is God, giving glory not for what he does, but simply because he is.
name the type of prayer: A short prayer meant to be memorized and repeated throughout the day. They can easily become habit and a natural part of your day.
why is humility important in prayer?
We recognize that God is #1 in our lives and we must obey him first. He is the Creator and we are his creations. We need to pay him honour and respect
name the term: To be humble, to put someone else first, to realize that we are not the most important person on the planet.
What is St. Damascene's classic definition of prayer?
Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.