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CS 30 Unit 4 Exam Review

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name two lessons you learned from your moral issues assignment
answers will vary
name two lessons you learned from the movie "Clouds"
answers will vary
what is the difference between "human dignity" and "human usefulness"?
Human dignity means we are all sacred and valuable, our sacredness has nothing to do with our "usefulness" or abilities
why is taking care of your health a moral issue?
Because the 5th commandment requires that we will not harm ourselves.
why is it wrong to kill someone if they are unborn or if they are at the end of their life?
because they are still sacred
what is the 5th commandment?
do not kill
when is human life sacred?
from conception to natural death
name the term: we have the most admiration, and respect for the life that God has given to everyone and everything. This does not only mean having reverence for human life, but also for animals and nature.
reverence for life
what should you remember if your conscience is in doubt? (3 things)
1) You can never do evil to accomplish good 2) Love for God and your neighbour 3) Follow the Golden Rule
name ways that a conscience can be desensitized
social media, movies/tv, acceptance of sin, apathy, laziness, no self control
what does "desensitization of conscience" mean?
our conscience may have been formed correctly, but because of repeated exposure to sin it has been broken down/relaxed/not sensitive
name the 5 ways to form conscience (KAPPS)
knowledge of Church teachings, acceptance of moral teaching, prayer and meditation, personal examination, spiritual direction
what are the 2 stepping stones on the pathway to the Kingdom of Heaven?
following the 10 Commandments and the 8 Beatitudes
explain how the 10 Commandments are not meant to restrict us, but rather free us
they keep us free from sin and its consequences, free from spiritual (and physical) harm or death
why is there so much responsibility linked to freedom/free will?
because it is powerful
what is true freedom?
the ability to do what we ought
what is "limitless freedom"
the idea that just because we can, means we should
What can you learn from the parable of the Rich Young Man
It is important to give everything up for God...it is worth it, but we get preoccupied/obsessed with "worldly" things
Because THIS exists, it proves that God exists
Objective morality
name the term: is one entirely dependent on personal knowledge, opinion, or awareness of it.
subjective statement
name the term: is a truth that does not depend upon your knowledge of it, opinion of it, or even awareness of it.
objective truth
name the reference to Jesus: In the context of human dignity, it emphasizes the consistent ethic of life, advocating for the protection and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
seamless garment
name the term: Committing of a prohibited act
sin of commission
name the term: Refusal to do a required act
sin of omission
name the term: A thought or action that is contrary to human nature, God’s law, Church law, civil laws. Man choosing himself over God.
name the term: Determining from true principles that some act is either good over evil.
True Conscience
name the term: A judgment of reason by which the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act.
Name the term: The pope and bishops in their roles as teachers of the faith.
What are these called? 8 directions for life given to us by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. They lead us to true and everlasting happiness.
the 8 Beatitudes
What are these called? The laws or rules handed down to Moses by God on Mount Sinai.
10 Commandments
Name the term: Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour.
Name the term: Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour. They are a function within the person that greatly affects their moral decision making.