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Aches/Pains review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a should/shouldn't question and answer .
You _______ play Fortnite, if you a headache.
I hit my eye really hard on the door. I'm going to have a ______ there.
Leah has a cold. What should she do? Name 3 things she should do.
1. drink lots of water 2. rest 3. eat healthy food 4. stay at home
I've got a toothache. Who should I see? What shouldn't I do?
You should see the dentist.
My friend is being mean to me. I should _______________.
tell the teacher. tell him/her to stop. tell him/her to be kind.
Don't go outside without a jacket. You might get a sore throat/toothache.
sore throat
My friend is very sick. He should take some _______.
Does her hand hurt? She _________ play catch.
I shouldn't eat too much pizza. I might get a _________.
stomach ache
Nadine is playing football and she is wearing sandals. She might hurt/burn herself.
head, shoulders, ________, and _________.
knees and toes
Don't touch the stove when it is hot. You will _______ yourself.
Make sure you wear a helmet when you ride a bike, incase you _________.
Jessica has an ear ache. Should she go swimming?
No, she shouldn't.
Should the boy in the picture go to the doctor?
Yes, he should.
My friend Hugo is coming to my house tomorrow. We should ____________.
We all have ________. We shouldn't talk too much.
sore throats
She's got a _________. She shouldn't eat anymore churros.
stomach ache
Chris is going to Canada in the winter. He should _____________________.
wear a coat. bring winter clothes. eat warm food.
Aitor has a backache. He should/shouldn't stretch carefully.
Daniela has a headache. She should/shouldn't play with her friends today.
I've eaten too many sweets, I have a _________.
tooth ache
Leah's face feels very hot. She's got a ___________. What should she do ?
Name the two aches in the pictures.
headache and sore throat
Name the two aches shown in the pictures.
cough and cold