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Name three weather conditions in fall/autumn.
rainy, foggy, cold...
Name three weather conditions in summer.
hot, sunny, windy, rainy, thunderstorm...
Name three weather conditions in spring.
windy, sunny, rainy, hot, cold
Name three weather conditions in winter.
snowy, windy, cold, blizzard, icy, foggy...
A very strong wind that comes from the ocean to the land is called a...
There is a strong wind outside. What's the weather like?
The opposite of cold weather.
Hot weather
It is very slippery outside. What's the weather like?
It's wet outside. I need my umbrella. What's the weather like?
It's very hot outside. What's the weather like?
Everything is white outsite. I can't see anything. What's the weather like?
There are a lot of clouds in the sky. What's the weather like?
A lot of water from a river, sea etc. that covers an area that is normally dry is a....
A strong wind that blows in a circle is a
A blizzard is a ...
snow storm
A storm with thunder and lightning and usually heavy rain is a ...
The opposite of "warm weather" is...
cold/cool weather
Name three natural disasters/extreme weather conditions.
blizzard, thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane, floods