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American Food Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which meal in America is considered "the most important meal of the day"?
When do Americans order take-out? Only during the week or on the weekends? Both?
both during the week and on the weekends
Which meals are usually quite casual when dining out in the US?
breakfast, brunch, and lunch
When do Americans tend to eat out at a restaurant? On weekdays or on the weekends?
on the weekends
What are 2 of the most common American dinners?
pasta, Mexican food, meat & potatoes, meat & rice, or pizza
Which meal do Americans try to eat together as a family?
Which meal is usually the largest meal of the day for Americans?
What is the most popular lunch for adults to buy during the work week?
soup and a salad or a sandwich
What is the most popular lunch for kids in the US?
a peanut butter & jelly sandwich
When do Americans tend to eat pancakes and waffles?
special occasions, or when going out to eat
What are 3 typical breakfast foods Americans eat at home every day?
cereal, eggs, fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, or a bagel
Where do Americans usually eat lunch on weekdays?
at school or at work
At what time do Americans usually eat dinner?
between 5 and 8 pm
How many meals do Americans usually eat each day?
3 meals a day