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4th Grade Science Year End Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give 1 example of how machines change the world? Explain.
A complex machine consists of 2 or more simple machines working together. Name at least 3 simple machines of a wheelbarrow.
wheel, axel, fulcrum, lever
This simple machine is used to hold things together.
This simple machine consists of 2 inclined planes joined together.
Which simple machine helps us lift heavy objects?
What is an inclined plane?
An inclined plane is a surface that connects a higher point to a lower point.
Machines can be simple or complex. Name at least 3 examples of simple machines.
wheel and axel, lever, wedge, pulley, inclined plane, screw
It is a device that makes it easier for us to do work.
The most important heat energy comes from the _______. It keeps animals and plants warm.
Some materials get hot easily, others don´t get hot easily. What do you call materials that get hot easily?
thermal conductors
thermal insulators
Heat can change liquid into gas. For example, when we boil water it becomes water vapour. What is the process called?
Heat changes the states of matter. What are three states of matter?
solid, liquid and gas
We measure temperature with a thermometer. We can measure temperature is degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius. Name a country that uses deegres Fahrenheit.
United States of America
Heat is a form of energy. What are the 2 sources of heat?
natural and artificial (man-made)
High tempearture or a lot of pressure can make one type of rock to another type. Marble is an example of this type of rock.
The surface of the Earth is made of rock. What are the 3 main types of rocks?
igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
This landform is a long narrow piece of land that extends into the ocean. Italy is an example of this.
Non-living and living things interact in an ecosystem. Sunlight, wind, water and oxygen are ________.
abiotic factors
biotic factors
In an ecosystem, all living things need food. Plants make their own food and they are called.
Animals can be vertebrates or invertebrates. Name 3 groups of invertebrates.
worms, arthropods, echinoderms and molluscs