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Unit 1-2 revision
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The yellow house (nie jest nasz) ____________________________.
is not / isn't ours
I can’t (pomóc mu) ____________________________ now because I’m busy.
help him
(Czy ty masz) ____________________________ a new computer?
Have you got / Do you have
(Nie ma) ____________________________ any restaurants near my home.
There aren't
Are there / they any pictures on the wall?
London and Paris are big city’s / cities.
This book isn’t my / mine.
Is this Mark / Mark’s bag?
Mark’s bag
Odd one out: height wrinkles groom complexion
Odd one out: fringe / delighted / ashamed / glad
I’m a little anxious / disappointed / curious after my performance. I know I can play better.
Our teacher is quite young. He’s in his twenty / twentieth / twenties.
in his twenties
I’ve got the best score in the exam. I feel so ashamed / curious / glad.
My sister is going to go / get / make engaged soon.
to get engaged
My brother is going to take / fail / pass his driving test next week. He’s really stressed out.
to take a driving test
She often wears a(n) bracelet / earring / necklace on her wrist.
a bracelet
Odd one out: tired / disappointed / handsome / guilty
Odd one out: gentle / brave / bossy / diary
Odd one out: coat / complexion / jumper / tights