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Agree and disagree

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Agree and disagree: Maria enjoys playing the guitar. ( Use I)
Agree: So do I./ I do, too. Disagree: Well, I don't.
Agree and disagree: I don't really mind working on weekends. (Use we)
Agree: Neither do we. / We don't either. Disagree: Really? We do.
Agree and disagree: John is bad at speaking English. (Use Helen)
Agree: So is Helen. / Helen is, too. Disagree: Helen isn't.
I'm in the mood for something salty. (Agree)
So am I. / I'm, too.
I don't enjoy cooking bland food very much. (Agree and disagree)
Neither do I. I don't either. / Well, I do. / I love it.
I'm in the mood for eating something spicy. (Disagree)
Oh! I'm not.
I can't stand eating greasy food. (Disagree)
Oh! I liked it.
I can eat any kind of food. (Disagree).
Well, I can't.
I'm not crazy about Indian food. (Agree )
Neither am I. / I'm not either.
I have never eaten spiders. (agree use I)
Neither have I. / I haven't either.
I don't mind traveling long hours. (Agree using my cousin)
Neither does my cousin.
I can't stand sitting long in classes. (disagree use "I")
Oh, I don't mind it.
I can't stand commuting to work by ecovia. (agree use I)
Neither can I.
She's not good at cooking. (agree use my sister)
Neither is my sister.
I love video games. (agree use I)
So do I.
I can't stand rosted chicken. (disagree use I)
Oh, I don't mind it.
I don't enjoy choping onions. (agree use I)
Neither do I.
Peter loves french fries. (agree using my brother)
So does my brother.
Helen can prepare hamburger. (agree with I)
So can I.
I don't mind taking classes on Saturdays. (disagree use I)
I do.