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Bob Ch.9-13 Rev

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What did Livy find out about Bob with the Sylvester rock?
He is strong.
He is a monster.
He has a family.
He likes to take a bath.
How did Livy and Bob find the time capsue?
Bob remembered where it was.
They asked Sarah.
Livy remembered where it was.
They asked Gran.
What were Livy and Bob looking for?
Time capsule
Magic well
What happened to Philippa at the end?
Sarah got bored of pretending to see her.
Sarah got bored of playing with her.
Sarah thought she needed to have new friends.
Sarah thought Livy was better than Philippa.
Who was Philippa?
Sarah's invisible friend.
Livy's invisible friend.
Sarah's sister.
Livy's sister.
What game did Livy and Sarah play?
Truth or dare
Who were Abigail and Violet?
Mom's old dolls
Livy's old friends
Sarah's sisters
Livy's cousins
What was on the tape recorder?
Livy and Sarah singing
Livy's mom telling stories
Bob and Livy playing
Gran and Livy telling jokes
Who has super hearing?
Who took a bath and how did it feel?
Bob. It felt like home.
What did Bob wish he had?
He wished he had a mother.
What story did Mom tell Livy before bed?
A fairy tale about a magic well.
A fairy tale about a magic chicken.
A scary story about zombies
A story about drought
Can Mom see Bob?
What sound did the "monster" make?
Where did Livy save Bob?
by the rock
by the tree
by the chicken house
by the horse
What did Livy remember from when she was five?
the well
the tape recorder
How was Livy when Bob first met her?
She was cold because she was wet.
Where did Bob take Livy to the first time they met?
He brought her to the chicken house.
Who fell into the deep dark well?
How did Livy save Bob? (hint: monster)
She saved him from a cat.