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a perfect place IDIOM
the land of milk and honey
nadrobić coś
catch up with
She has too much work to do. IDIOM
She is swamped
mieć tyły/ zaległości (phrasal verb)
fall behind
gdyby nie twoja pomoc
but for your help
radca prawny
legal advisor
law firm
termin płatności
due date
.......... 20th March
minus/wada D...
pozyskać kandydatów
acquire candidates
Pogoda wpływa na mój nastrój.
Weather affects/ influences my mood.
Nie mam na to wpływu
I don't have any influence on it
sedno problemu
the core of the problem
ubiegac siÄ™ o pracÄ™
apply for a job
nabrać rozpędu
build a momentum
take care of sth/ deal with
powtarzalne zadania
repetitive tasks
podzielić na
divide into
humble/ modest
pełen energii H...
skryrty P...
analizować analizę
analyse an analysis
clean and ordered IDIOM
neat and tidy
a person who changes jobs very often is called a...
job hopper
długość współpracy
the length of cooperation
I prefer
calling to texting
call to text
calling than texting
to call than texting
which one is correct
a lot of information
a lot of informations
lots of informations
many information
..... the same level
skrót myślowy
Mam ochotę napić się herbatki.
I feel like drinking tea
ostrzegać kogoś przed...
warn sb against
godzina policyjna
advantages and disadvantages
pros and cons
zapobiegać czemuś
prevent from
nie wiń jej za to
don't blame her for it
powstrzymaj siÄ™ przed krytykowaniem innych
refrain from criticising others
Szanowni PAÅ„stwo
Dear Sir or Madam
Z poważaniem
Yours sincerely/ Yours faithfully
Szanowny Panie Brown.... Z poważaniem
Dear Mr Brown... Yours sincerely
Szanowny Panie... Z poważaniem
Dear Sir... Yours faithfully
Piszę żeby poinformować o...
I am writing to inform you about/ notify you of
W przypadku jakichkolwiek dalszych pytań, proszę o kontakt.
Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Z pozdrowieniami
Kind regards/ Best regards
Mam nadzieję, że u Państwa wszystko w porządku.
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
Odnośnie maila z dnia 2.05.2024
Regarding the e-mail OF 2nd may 2024
Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna za przesłanie danych.
I would be grateful for sending the data.
Przepraszamy za niedogodności.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Chciałabym zapewnić, że...
I 'd like to reassure you that...
Czy byłby Pan tak uprzejmy i przesłał numer tej faktury jak najszybciej?
Would you be so kind and send me the invoice number ASAP?
W nawiÄ…zaniu do naszej ostatniej rozmowy...
With reference to our last conversation
Czy mógłby Pan odesłać podpisany egzemplarz umowy do jutra?
Could you send me back the signed copy of the contract by tomorrow?
W nawiÄ…zaniu do Pana ostatniego maila...
With reference to your e-mail... / Further to your e-mail
Piszę do Państwa w imieniu Pana Kowalskiego.
I am writing to you on behalf of Mr. Kowalski
Bylibyśmy wdzięczni za przesłanie bardziej szczegółowych informacji na temat.
We would appreciate if you could send us more detailed information regarding...
Załączamy cennik, o który prosiliście.
Please find enclosed the price list you requested.
Więcej informacji może Pan znaleźć na naszej stronie internetowej na..
For more information please consult our website at...
Czekam na Pana/Pani odpowiedź.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
W załączniku przesyłam...
Please find attached...
Chciałbym przeprosić za zwłokę w odpowiedzi
I would like to apologize for the delay in replying.
W pilnych przypadkach proszÄ™ o telefon - numer....
In urgent matters please call me at:...
Przypominam o fakturze, która nie została jeszcze opłacona
This is to remind you that the invoice is still unpaid.
how do we call a person who has set up a company?
a founder
your daughter's husband is your...
launch a product
bring OUT a product
dismiss/fire (Ph V)
lay off
to reject (Ph V)
turn down
to order sth with the option to return the product within 2 weeks after its purchase
order sth ON 2 weeks' approval
pay earlier for sth
pay IN advance
to stop negotiations
break off negotiations
amount of money you pay monthly for example because you have taken out a loan
to buy a lot, large amounts
buy in bulk
the act of joining 2 companies is called a...
to keep, maintain
when 2 companies join together, they...
to have money in the bank. IDIOM
to be in the black
to have debts. IDIOM
be in the red
When it rains a lot we say that it is...
pouring or raining cats and dogs
do we MAKE or DO resolutions?
your New Year's goal.
a resolution
Do we MAKE or DO pasta?
a good option to buy sth
a bargain
a private garden which is not located next to your own house but in a place where there are a lot of different gardens
allotment garden
I am stressed ...... it!
a person who can ski is a ....
your sister and brother. one word
a financial instrument representing a loan made by an investor to a borrower
a bond
finish the cooperation with a worker
terminate the contract of employment
buy sth ............ a low price
a company which produces medicines
pharmaceutical company
to follow your career goals
pursue a career
to try hard to achieve sth
to strive to do sth
liquid used for disinfection