Edit Game
Unit 4 - Grammar
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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Travelers _________ feed the animals as it's not allowed. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
b. mustn't
You ___________ ask my permission, you can do whatever you want. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
d. don't have to
You ____________ listen to your heart and follow it. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
a. must
You ____________ deposit 20 dollars minimum to open an account. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
c. have to
I _______ pay the rent regularly. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
c. have to
We _______ work so hard to finish our report on time. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
a. must
Everybody ________ hand in their assignment by Friday. a. must - b. mustn't - c. has to - d. doesn’t have to
c. has to
We ________ read the instructions, just turn it on, it's simple. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
d. don't have to
Today is the due date, we ______ pay the bills. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
a. must
Natalie ___________ do the laundry today as it's her sister's turn. a. must - b. mustn't - c. has to - d. doesn’t have to
d. doesn't have to
You ________ get at least 7 hours of sleep tomorrow night for the upcoming exam. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
a. must
You ______________ do everything he says, but you _____________ respect him.
don't have to - must
You ______ read the instructions carefully before you turn on the machine otherwise it could be dangerous. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
a. must
One _______ obtain a passport to travel abroad. a. must - b. mustn't - c. has to - d. doesn’t have to
c. has to
Proper identification is required at the entry so everyone __________ to have their IDs with them. a. must - b. mustn't - c. has to - d. doesn’t have to
c. has to
The sign said that you __________ eat in the library. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
b. mustn't
This is our gift to you. You ____________ give it back to us. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
d. don't have to
You _________ sleep late today, you have an important meeting in the morning. a.must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don’t have to
b. mustn't
The entrance is free of charge, so you __________________ buy a ticket. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don't have to
don't have to
My dentist said that I _____________ neglect brushing my teeth. a. must - b. mustn't - c. have to - d. don't have to
b. mustn't