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Edo Japan and Meiji Restoration

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What was the biggest change to the education system during the Meiji period?
everyone had to attend
everyone had to wear a uniform
school was made non-compulsory
teachers became very well paid
Which of these industries did not flourish during the Mejij Period?
aerospace research
How did the Meiji Restoration change Japan's social heirarchy?
The Meiji Restoration dismantled the rigid feudal class system, allowing for greater social mobility and the creation of a more merit-based society.
Which one of these was NOT an economic change during the Meiji Restoration?
equal pay for all Japanese citizens
introduction of national currency
modernised banking system
rice was no longer used as money
What changes did the Meiji Restoration bring to Japan's army?
It modernized Japan's military, adopting Western military practices and creating a conscripted army.
How did the Meiji Restoration affect the samurai?
The Meiji Restoration led to the abolition of the samurai class and their privileges, as Japan moved towards a modern army. Basically, they were out of work.
Who was the emperor during the Meiji Restoration?
Emperor Meiji
What year did the Meiji Restoration begin?
Name two technologies/inventions the Americans bought to the Japanese
trains, guns, telegraph, telescope, alcohol
What was the name of the American captain who arrived in Edo Bay?
Commodore Matthew Perry
What did Japan do to assert (show off) its new power in the world?
Invaded other countries and took them over
What is one thing the Meiji government did to modernize Japan?
Possible answers: Sent people to study overseas, took ideas he liked from other countries to use in Japan, ended feudal system
According to Emperor Meiji, what was the best way for Japan to prevent a foreign takeover?
Modernize, westernize
Who was going to replace the Shogun as ruler of Japan after he was overthrown?
Why were the Japanese people upset with the government after it opened up Japan to American trade?
Possible answers: The government was weak, unable to protect them, had given in to demands of barbarians...
What did the Treaty of Kanagawa do to Japan?
It opened Japan up to the rest of the world and forced them to trade with the Americans
Why weren't the Japanese able to defend themselves against the Americans?
Lack of advanced weapons because they had been cut off from the rest of the world
Why did the US President send Commodore Perry to Japan?
To get coal, to open their borders and trade
What was one thing the rest of the world was doing that Japan wasn't?
Modernization, industrialization, better technology and science
What system did the Meiji Restoration end in Japan AND what was done to end it?
Feudalism.  Everyone was made equal.
What was one thing that changed during the Edo period?
Possible answers: Japan was united, no more war, isolation urbanization, growth of merchant class...
Briefly describe Japan's closed country / isolation / exclusion policy
Japanese people weren't allowed to leave. Europeans weren't allowed to enter
Why did Tokugawa Ieyasu ban Christianity?
It went against traditional Japanese beliefs (Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism); threatened social order
The only place where the Dutch and Chinese were allowed to trade was...
Name 2 groups of people that Tokugawa Ieyasu banned from Japan
Possible answers: Christians, missionaries, Europeans, Westerners, traders
What was the capital city of Japan called during the Tokugawa period?
Describe the Tokugawa/Edo Period in a few words
Peaceful, prosperous, stable, united, isolated...
Who was Tokugawa Ieyasu?