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Which is the largest? 39%, 0.42, â…–,, 41/100
How many minutes between 11:47 and 13:20?
93 mins
A rectangle is 9cmnlong and has an area of 72cm ². What is the perimeter?
What is the area of the coloured part of this shape if one square is 1cm ²?
6cm ²
A soccer match started at 3:00. It ended 112 minutes later. At what time did the match end? Answer in digital form.
Write 20 minutes past 5 in digital form.
Write 172 minutes as hours and minutes.
2hrs 52mins
Rónàn read 60% of a 400-page book one week and finished it the next week. How many pages did he read the 2nd week?
Jerry drank 85% of a litre of water. How much was left to drink?
Liam spent ¼ of his €40 on a Hurley and 30% on a sliotar. How much did he spent altogether?
36/100 ÷ _/4 = 9/_
36/10p ÷ 4/4 = 9/25
Julia has €36. She spent 75% of it buying a dress. How much did the dress cost?
Write 13/50 as a percentage.
What mush be added to 3.992 to make 4? Answer in decimal form.
Paul spent 20% of his money buying a €40 hat. How much did he spend?
Write ¼ as a decimal.
The side of a square is 19cm in length. How long is the perimeter?
Ann walked 3.495km. Write the distance she walked in metres.
Write 3m 39cm using a decimal point
A pencil is 87mm long. Write the length in cm using a decimal point