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Health education strategies and methods

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give at least two examples of unidirectional health education methods.
Advertising / Mass media / Posters / Leaflets / TV / Radio / Internet / Cinema
Give at least two examples of bidirectional health education methods.
Dialogue / Class / Lecture / Workshop / Brainstorming / Discussion / Role playing
Health education methods are classified into two types called...
Bidirectional and Unidirectional
Strategy whose main objective is to make people adopt a healthy lifestyle voluntarily.
The strategy that focuses on the actions to control the risks, such as alcohol and tobacco laws or workplace risk prevention is called...
Can you give an example of tertiary prevention?
Controlling diabetes with insulin / taking medication / sealing a caries / putting a cast on a broken arm
Which level of prevention focuses on treatment, management and avoiding worsening of a diagnosed disease?
Can you give an example of Secondary prevention?
Mammograms / Colonoscopies / Blood tests / Screenings
Which level of prevention is based on the early detection of diseases?
Can you give an example of primary prevention?
Vaccinations / seatbelts / wash hands
Which level of prevention tries to prevent disease before it occurs?
How many levels of prevention are there?
The strategy of making people trying to adopt healthy habits to avoid illnesses or to confront them is called...
Which are the three strategies in health education?
Prevention, protection and promotion
A conduct that you have acquired and usually do, except when the external circumstances change, is called...
A conduct which you have learnt and acquired and you always do, no matter the external circumstances is called...