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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What biome is this?
It's the tundra.
What biome is this?
It's the grassland (savanna).
What biome is this?
It's the desert.
What biome is this?
It's the taiga.
What biome is this?
It's the rainforest.
Give one example of an animal that lives in the grassland (savanna).
Personal answer.
Give one example of an animal that lives in the tundra.
Personal answer.
Give one example of an animal that lives in the desert.
Personal answer.
Give one example of an animal that lives in the taiga.
Personal answer.
Give one example of an animal that lives in the rainforest.
Personal answer.
What is the vegetation like in the desert?
There are not many plants, mainly succulent plants like the cactus.
What is the vegetation like in the rainforest?
There are many kinds of plants, with tall trees.
What is the vegetation like in the grassland (savanna)?
There's mainly grasses and small plants, with very few trees.
What is the vegetation like in the taiga?
It's mostly conifers (e.g. pine trees).
What is the vegetation like in the tundra?
It's mainly lichens (a mixture of algae e fungus).
What is the rainfall like in the tundra? Does it rain or snow?
15 to 25 cm of snow per year. It's dry.
What is the rainfall like in the grassland (savanna)? Does it rain all the time?
About 50 to 127 cm of rain per year. There's a wet season, and a dry season.
What is the rainfall like in the desert? How much does it rain?
About 1.5 cm of rain per year. It's very dry.
What is the rainfall like in the taiga? Does it rain or snow?
40 to 100 cm of snow per year. Not very dry, not very wet.
What is the rainfall like in the rainforest? Does it rain there?
More than 2000 cm of rain per year. It's very wet.
What is the temperature like in the grassland (savanna)?
It's always warm.
What is the temperature like in the desert?
It's very hot during the day and cold at night.
What is the temperature like in the taiga?
It's very cold.
What is the temperature like in the tundra?
It's always cold.
What is the temperature like in the rainforest?
It's always warm.
Which five biomes have we been studying?
Rainforest, desert, taiga, tundra, and grassland (savanna).