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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The security cameras at the airport _______ (never, turn) off.
are never turned
I ____ (send) three junk emails yesterday.
was sent
My essay ____(not mark) yet.
hasn’t been marked
We ____(not teach) calculus so far in our maths course.
haven’t been taught
Could I just check which telescopes ____(use) in the experiment going on now in Room 8?’ said the Head Teacher.
are being used
In the final part of the 2007 research, the birds____ (test) for their mathematical ability.
were tested
‘Has the patient’s medication ___ (increase) as I requested?’ asked the doctor.
been increased
The only bad thing about the party was that the pizza ___(not divide) up fairly.
wasn’t/hadn’t been divided
Millions of dollars ____(lost) in the money markets since last year.
have been lost
Junk emails ___ (send) to me every day.
are sent
The lights ___ (will, turn) on when it gets dark
will be turned
John’s mobile_______(send) back to the manufacturer last week.
was sent
The match___(play) at the moment.
is being played
Was the number of insects ____(calculate) accurately?
‘A tough decision______(going to, make),’ said the billionaire.
is going to be made