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Past Simple and Past Continuous
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ___________ (eat) popcorn while I ______________ (watch) a scary movie.
[eating] [was watching]
When I ____________(find) the necklace, I ______________(swim) in the lake.
[found] [was swimming]
My friends ______________(sing) while I ____________ (do) my homework.
[were singing] [was doing]
When the teacher ... (ARRIVE) the students were sitting.
While the teacher was talking, the students ... (LISTEN).
were listening
When I got up this morning, the sun ... (SHINE)
was shining
While the children were playing in the park, Sarah ... (READ) a book.
was reading
Carla and Fred ... (TALK) when the accident happened.
were talking
My mum had / was having breakfast near the computer when she spilled / was spilling her cup of coffee on the keyboard.
was having, spilled
I looked / was looking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed / was noticing there was a virus
was looking, noticed
Tim played / was playing a computer game when his mum called / was calling him for lunch.
was playing, called
I listened / was listening to the radio when I heard / was hearing this fantastic song
was listening, heard
What __________ (you/do) when I __________ (call) you last night?
[ were you doing ][ called ]
He __________ (work) in a bank when he __________ (meet) his wife.
[ was working ][ met ]
When I __________ (leave) the house, it __________ (snow).
[ left ][ was snowing ]
Why ___________ (you/stand) on a chair when I ___________ (come) into the room?
[ were you standing ][ came ]
When her train ____________ (get) to the station, we ____________ (wait) on the platform.
[ got ][ were waiting ]
He ___________ (live) in Paris when the Olympics ___________ (start).
[ was living ][ started ]
When I ___________ (walk) into the room, everyone ___________ (work)
[ walked ][ was working ]
He _________________ (take) a shower when the telephone _________________ (ring).
[ was taking ][ rang ]
We _____________ (play) tennis when John _____________ (hurt) his ankle.
[ were playing ][ hurt ]
Susie ___________ (watch) a film when she ___________ (hear) the noise.
[ was watching ][ heard ]
I ___________ (sit) in a cafe when you ___________ (call) .
[ was sitting ][ called ]