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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it easier to build houses on plains or in mountains?
On plains
What is the opposite of east?
What is the purpose of the key on a map?
To show what the different symbols represent
Another name for the Key on a map is Compass Rose. True or False?
A highland that is between 150 - 500 metres above sea level is called a _____
What name is given to mountains, hills, plain, valley and plateau?
The John Crow Mountain is found in which parish?
An area of flat land on top of a mountain is called a ________
What do we call a large area of flat land?
Are the following mountains, rivers or plains in Jamaica? (Vere, Pedro, Liguanea)
Name one of parishes where the Cockpit Country is found?
St.James, St. Elizabeth, Trelawny
The May Day and Don Figueroa Mountains is located in which parish?
Give the names of 2 parts of a map
Key, Scale, Title, Compass
True or False- Dunn's River is located in the parish of St. Elizabeth
In which parish do we find the Black River?
St. Elizabeth
What is the name of the longest river in Jamaica?
Rio minho
A river begins at its source and ends at its mouth. True or False?
Which of the following is a lowland? (Hill, Plateau, Valley)
The plantain Gardens river in St. Thomas flows differently from the other rivers in Jamaica
Cooking and bathing are two domestic uses of rivers. True or False
A landform that is over 2000 m above sea level can be classified as a
What are the names of the 4 Cardinal points?
North, South, East and West
A low lying area between two highlands is called
What is the name of the plain in St. Elizabeth?
Pedro Plain
The highest mountain in Jamaica is known as
The Blue Mountains