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WWII Review

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What month and year did WWII start?
September 1939
What month and year did WWII end?
September 1945
The invasion of which country was the most immediate catalyst for WWII?
What was one economic event that was a major cause of WWII?
The Great Depression
Which fascist dictator ruled over Spain from 1936 - 1975?
Which fascist dictator forced the king of his country to dismiss the government and make him dictator?
Which fascist dictator won over many of his people with the expansionist ideal of "living space"?
Name one religious or ethnic group that Hitler believed "polluted" his population.
Jews, Romani, gypsies, Poles, Slavs, homosexuals, disabled people...
What is the name of the biggest Nazi concentration camp (at least 1.1 million people were murdered there)
What treaty had negative consequences for Germany and thus was a cause of WWII?
The Treaty of Versailles
What act did the U.S. congress pass in 1941 to provide their allies with war supplies?
The Lend-Lease Act
What import resource did the U.S. stop exporting to Japan after Japan invaded Manchuria?
What place did Japan bomb in retaliation for the U.S.'s economic sanctions?
Pearl Harbor / Honolulu, Hawaii
Which U.S. president signed Executive Order 9066, sending over 110,000 Japanese Americans into internment camps?
What was the name of the day when Allied forces disembarked in Normandy, France, and began marching towards Berlin?
What were the main Axis countries?
Germany, Italy, Japan
What were some of the big Allied countries?
U.K., U.S., China, The Soviet Union, France...
On what two Japanese cities was the atomic bomb dropped?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki