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CloseUp C2 - Distant Shores vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Job? Come off it! I normally make a living out of my monthly pocket money. Every now and then, a small amount of money ________________ into my bank account
trickles down
I try not to _____ her all the success she has… yet I must tell you one thing: I don’t think she deserves it whatsoever. I hate it when she boasts about all her achievements.
go off the beaten path
The only ______ to visiting Fernando de Noronha is remembering that it once was a ________ and, now, it is _______.
downside; pristine paradise; seething with tourists
upside; pristine river; seething with places
downside; plight; take the plunge
When visiting the shanty towns close to the coast, I kept wondering how we could _____ poverty and raise living standards so that everyone could have a decent lifestyle.
bucket list
While travelling, I can’t stand sightseeing where everyone else goes. I certainly prefer the places __________.
off the beaten path
adding insult to injury
The ______ of distant flights may seem endless, especially, when you are completely knackered and the only thing you’re looking forward to is your own bed.
off the beaten track
_________ you may be visiting a place you’ve always wanted to get to know, after a while, nothing feels better than home.
Regardless of the fact that
Adding insult to injury
Making a dent in
After a thorough research about the place where we would like to spend our holidays, there came the time for us to _________ and go.
take the plunge
put one over on
Often when we travel to a non-English speaking country, we are told not to trust those people who approach us in English. They may try to ________ us and steal our things.
put one over on
trickle down
Perhaps, trying voluntourism could be a way for George to try something more altruistic. He is commonly so ______.
bucket list
On account of the fact that we had to buy a car all of sudden, we _________ our savings. We weren’t expecting at all to move to a rural town where we would need a new car.
made a dent in
Visiting Southeast Asia is definitely on my _____. That’s one thing I’ve got to do before I die.
bucket list
Wealthy travellers taking advantage of poor local people get on my nerves. I remember seeing this bloke haggling over the price of a hand-made bag. He wanted to save two pounds. ______________, he tried to pay half of the price for
Adding insult to injury
Regardless of the fact that
Taking the plunge