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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many degrees does the minute hand on a clock turn in 1 hour
What type of angle is an 80° angle?
Two angles in a triangle are 80° and 60°. What is the third angle?
What type of angle is this?
What type of angle is this?
76 ÷ 8 (with remainder)
9 R 4
5,900 / 100
If 500g of muesli costs €1.50, how much would 3.5kg cost?
If I divide 50 tens by 2 tens, I get
25 tens or 250
If five bananas costs €1.90, how much would 8 such bananas cost?
80 ÷ 15 (with remainders)
5 R 5
A melon costs €2.25. How much would 10 such melons cost?
How many degrees altogether in 2 right angles?
There are 3 boxes of plums. A has 80, B has 90 and C has 75. Which of the three boxes can be packed into bags of five or six without any plums leftover
What is the total cost of 15 oranges at 28c each?
288 / 5 with remainder
57 R3
Victor saved €0.35 by buying the larger box of eggs (12) rather that two smaller boxes (small box is 6) How much would he save by buying 60 of them?