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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you solve this?
Mount Everest is 8,849 m tall. What is this in km?
How many years in a century?
How many days in a fortnight?
How many weeks in a year?
How many minutes in 1.5 hours?
90 minutes
What is the difference between the lightest and heaviest bag?
2,150g or 2.15kg
I need 1kg of flour. How much do I need to add?
John is in a 30mph zone. To the nearest division, by how much is he speeding?
20 mph
What is the size of the angle shown?
Riya looks at the temperature in the kitchen. What is the temperature in the kitchen to the nearest division?
How many edges does a cuboid have?
This student spent an hour studying in total on Thursday and Friday. How much time did they spend on Friday?
20 minutes
Sherie needs to leave for work after 8am but before half past eight. Which clock shows a time she can leave?
C: Quarter past eight
How much money did Aaron raise?
Brian weighed 91.5kg in November, and 87.6kg in January. How much lighter was he in January?
We are advised to get 8 hours sleep. In it's simplest form, what fraction of a day is this?
Ahmed says a quarter of people chose Instagram. Is he right?
No. 20/100 = 1/5
There are 5 players in a basketball team. A college is organising a tournament in the sports department. There are 48 sports students. How many teams will there be, and how many students left over?
9 teams with 3 students left over.
Amy has a 1 litre bottle of lemonade. She fills 3 glasses with lemonade. She puts 250 ml in each glass. How much lemonade is left in the bottle?