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Primary/Secondary Sector

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which type of transport is this?
Which type of transport is this?
Which type of transport is this?
Which type of transport is this?
Unscramble the sentence: in the Transport retail and services sector. tertiary are
Transport and retail services are in the tertiary sector.
Unscramble the word: optansrrt
True or false: The tertiary sector sells products and provides services.
Unscramble the word: aislremat
Unscramble the word: dcsturop
Unscramble the sentence: into manufactured are materials Raw transformed products.
Raw materials are transformed into manufactured products.
Unscramble the sentence: nature. from materials Raw come
Raw materials come from nature.
Is this a raw material or a manufactured product?
raw material
Is this a raw material or a manufactured product?
manufactured product
Is this a raw material or a manufactured product?
manufactured product
__________goods are products that we sell in shops.
_________________ goods are used to produce other goods.
True or false: The secondary sector collects raw materials.
False- The primary sector collects raw materials.
Which sector has got workers and machines transforming raw materials to manufactured products.
secondary sector
Which sector is where raw material is collected?
primary sector
True or false: Fishing is part of the secondary sector.
false- It is part of the primary sector.
True or false: Agriculture is part of the primary sector.
Unscramble the word: moftranrs
Which is NOT a raw material: apples, wheat, glass, wood
glass- it is made from sand
Unscramble the sentence: in are the sector. and factories secondary Industries
Industries and factories are in the secondary sector.