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Green economy

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which recycling bin does this go in?
Can you recycle this in the "plastic" bin?
no- take to a special drop off bin
Can you recycle this?
yes - glass
Responsible production means making things in a way that does not __________ the environment and uses the ____________ quantity of resources possible.
damage / smallest
True or False: Recycling and reusing bottles is resource efficient?
Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to protect fish and coral reefs?
Goal #14: Life Below Water
Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to protect plants and animals?
Goal #15: Life On Land
__________is when a person has got less than 60% of the average household income.
__________ is having less than US$2.15 a day to live on.
extreme poverty
Unscramble the sentence: most the has India got people poverty. extreme living in
India has got the most people living in extreme poverty.
What is the name of the organisation that fights poverty?
True or false: We can end poverty only by giving people money.
False- governments must help people access basic needs.
Unscramble the word: htrecalhea
Who does fairtrade help?
Unscramble the word: gaprenecet
What is cleaner, burning wood or biogas?
Unscramble the sentence: to poverty. reduce Nations The United wants
The United Nations wants to reduce poverty.
How many Sustainable Development Goals has the United Nations set?
Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to end poverty?
Goal #1: No Poverty
Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to provide people with safe drinking water?
Goal #6: Clean water and Sanitation
Does the United Nation want to protect or pollute the planet?
Does the United Nations want peace or power over the world's population?
True or false: Sustainable Development doesn't damage the environment or use up all of our natual resources.
The world has got many problems, and the United Nations wants governments to work together to find ____________________.