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Expressions with food

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone relaxed under pressure is .........
as cool as a cucumber
I wouldn't support Manchester City for...
all the tea in China!
Come on, tell me what happened!
Spill the beans! Or spill the tea!
Ricky is such a
couch potato
Someone who is very important is a
big cheese (or big fish)
When you have to be very delicate around somebody in a bad mood:
It's like walking on eggshells
If a woman has a "bun in the oven" what does it mean?
She's pregnant!
When you pass the responsibility onto somebody else, this is called a....?
Hot potato
How could we say "en pocas palabras" in English?
In a nutshell
When you are in a little bit of trouble, you are......?
in a (bit of a) pickle
A good guess, but not the right answer is......
Close but no cigar
To add excitement to something..... Let's
spice it (or things) up
Sorry, I'm too busy at the moment, I have.....
bigger fish to fry
Meaning to have options....."Don't put all your eggs in.....
one basket/the same basket
Something very easy is
a piece of cake
A car which has ran out of petrol is "out.....
of juice
A very intelligent person is a.....
one smart cookie
A bad joke can be called.....
Comparing Messi and Maguire is like....
(comparing) apples and oranges
When you have to apologise and admit you were wrong... you have to eat a) humble pie or b) sorry pie
Humble pie