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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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F.A: Where is your seat? P: Thirty A
That's on the left side of the airplane. It is by the window.
F.A: Where is your seat? P: Twenty-four K
That's on the right side of the airplane. It is in the center.
F.A: Where is your seat? P: Twenty-eight D
That's in the middle of the airplane. It is on the aisle.
F.A: Where is your seat? P: Twenty G
That's in the middle of the airplane. It is in the center.
The steward tells you where your seat is and she wants you to follow her. What order can she give you? S_ _ _ T_ _ _ W_ _
Your are queuing in immigration control and a guard gives you this order before proceeding to a booth.
Your are queuing in immigration control and a guard gives you this order after waiting behind the yellow line. G_   A_ _ _ _
You are at immigration control. What action is it? S_ _ _    Y _ _ _    P_ _ _ _ _ _ _
You have already shown your passport in immigration control and now you have to... G_   T_ _ _ _ _ _    C_ _ _ _ _ _
B_ _ _ _   _ _
Tell us about your grandparents. Who are they? Where were they born? What is their nationality?
..... is my ...... He/she was born in.... He/she is....
Tell us about your parents. Who are they? Where were they born? What is their nationality?
..... is my ...... He/she was born in.... He/she is....
At the carrousel you have to... P_ _ _    _ _     _ _ _ _ _       B _ _ _ _ _ _
Pick up/Take your baggage
You are on a flight and you are thirsty. Ask for water.
"Excuse me. Can I have a still/sparkling water?"
You are on a flight and the flight attendant asks you: Anything to drink?
YOU: "Yes. Wine/Coffee/Water/Lemon-lime/Cola/Orange, please." F.A: Red or white? Regular or decaffeinated? Cream? Sugar or sweetener?
You are on a flight and it is dinner time. The flight attendant asks you: Fish, chicken or vegeterian? But .. You don't know the ingredients.
"What's the fish/ chicken/ vegetable menu?"
You talk to another passenger. You want to know the reason of his/her trip.
"Are you here on business/ vacations?." "Why are you going to..?."
You are at the carrousel and a random passenger tells you: "Excuse me. That's my bag over there and I can't reach it."  But.. You don't know exactly which one it is. Ask for reference.
Which one? This/that one? The red/blue one?
What do you do in immigration and customs control?
Possible answer: "I wait behind the yellow line. I proceed to a booth/ go ahead, show my passport and walk through customs. Then, I pick up my baggage."
You have just landed and you want to get a taxi downtown. You don't know WHERE to take it and its PRICE. Make questions to get this information.
"Where can I get a taxi downtown?" "How much is it?"
You have just landed and another passenger tells you: I'm taking a cab downtown too, do you want to share the ride?
Sure, thank you. We can split the fare. // No, thank you. I am waiting for someone to pick me up.