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Being Responsible

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean to "own your part" for something that happened?
Accept responsibility for your actions
You played an extra round of fortnite with your best friend instead of studying before an exam. What could happen to you and what can you do different next time?
You might not do well; tell your friend you have to study
Your friend invites you to a concert but you have plans to eat dinner with your family. What can you do?
Tell your friend the truth; ask your family for permission to miss dinner
You played a prank on your teacher and now she is upset. Your friend gets blamed for it and is getting in trouble, what should you do?
Tell the truth and apologize
Why is it okay to make mistakes?
We learn what we can do different next time
You hit snooze on the alarm in the morning and wake up late. You don't get to finish breakfast because the bus is there to take you to school. Now you're hungry all morning. Whose fault is it and what can be done different next time?
Yours because you hit snooze on the alarm. Next time go to sleep earlier the night before.
You were pranking a friend during lunch but she did not enjoy your jokes. She asked you to stop but your other friends thought it was funny so you kept going. Now she told a teacher and you're in trouble. What can be done differently?
Apologize and hang out with different friends; tell your friends to do something else
You were washing the dishes at home and broke one. Your mom sees the mess and gets upset, so you blame it on your little brother/sister. Now they're mad and won't talk to you. What can you do differently next time?
Tell your parents the truth; apologize to your brother/sister
Take Responsibility: "I failed the test because the teacher was too confusing."
"I will ask more questions next time."
Take Responsibility: "I'm grounded because the rule is unfair."
"Maybe I can ask for permission instead of being sneaky."
Take responsibility: "I'm late because my mom drives too slow."
""I will prepare my stuff the night before and leave it near the door."
Take Responsibility: "They're mad at me because they can't take a joke."
"I should be more considerate if I know they don't like those type of jokes."