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Prep 5 U5 - Review grammar + Vocab
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After the tornado, the people had to ____________(mend / rebuild / customise) all the houses that had fallen down.
Gina has always been interested in fashion and in the future she wants to __________ (create / customise / rebuild) her own fashion brand.
The arm of my sister's teddy fell off, so this afternoon I'm going to ________(decorate / sew / mend) it back on.
Some people don't ___________(customise/decorate/recycle) and put everything in the same bin bag.
Simone went to the gym in the morning and _______ (next / first) she went to the zoo with her family.
_________(first / later) I looked for a recipe in a cook book and __________(suddenly / then) I bought the ingredients.
first / then
My dog was sleeping on the sofa when _______ (later / suddenly) he was woken up by the thunder and lightning.
I wanted to change my bedroom so I started to look for ideas in magazines and online. _______ (Then / First) I went to the shop to buy paint and some cushions.
The children ____________(have) lunch in the lunchroom when suddenly a girl ______(start) to scream.
were having / started
James _______ (win) a medal in the basketball competition and ________ (call) his grandma immediately to tell her the good news.
won / called
Joanna _______ (sit) in the garden when I visited her yesterday.
was sitting
Thomas _________ (wait) for a taxi for 20 minutes this morning!
was waiting
My friend and I ____________(go) to the shopping centre twice last weekend.
The first time I met him, he _________(wear) white sunglasses.
was wearing
I liked the jeans, but finally I ______(decide) to buy a more expensive brand.
For our school project, we ________(design) and built a small table.
When we came out of the cinema, it _______(rain).
was raining
That shop is fantastic. They _____(repair) my mobile in two hours.
Yesterday we made a cake and ________(decorate) it with chocolate buttons.
I didn’t hear the phone because I ___________(fix) my bike.
was fixing