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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can animals be victims of the pollution?
Yes, they can.
Say three things you can do to control the pollution.
Walk, ride your bike, choose organically grown fruits and vegetables, recycle, plant more trees...
Is riding your bike a good action to control pollution?
Yes, it is.
What is the meaning of O3?
According to the graphics was the AQI good last day?
No, it wasn't.
What was the maximum index of nitrogen dioxide?
Do we need to worry if the AQI value in our city is 40?
No, we don't.
What is the meaning of AQI?
Air quality index.
Are hospitals responsibles for soil pollution?
Yes, they are.
What kind of pollution cause pesticides?
Soil Pollution.
The destruction of the earth’s land surfaces is called...
soil pollution.
Drinking dirty water can cause...
skin disease, anorexia, dysentery amebiasis...
Are humans the major responsibles for water pollution?
Yes, they are.
Name 3 consequences of the air pollution.
Air pollution causes coughs, asthma, burning eyes and some lethal diseases.
Is air pollution the reason of global warming?
Yes, it is.
Say 3 things that make the air dirty.
Cars, factories, volcanoes, wildfires...
Name three kinds of pollution.
Air, water and soil pollution.
What is pollution?
Pollution is anything that makes the earth unhealthy and dirty.