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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What makes the air polluted?
Smoke and dust from cars and factories.
What is the characteristic of steam?
Steam is hot and has no shape.
Mention three activities that need to use water.
What are the three forms of water?
Ice, water, steam
What can tell us if we are drinking enough water or not?
The colour of our urine.
What is this building called? What is it made of?
The Taj Mahal. It is made of white marble.
How are these rocks different?
They are different in textures.
We can find rocks everywhere. How are the rocks different?
They are different in sizes, colours, shapes, patterns, textures, hardness
What do plants need to grow?
Air, water, sunlight, soil
What rock was used to build The Great Pyramid of Giza?
What is the ground made of?
The ground is made of rocks and soil.
At what degree does water freeze?
At 0 degree Celsius
What characteristic of water is shown by the picture?
Water takes the shape of its containers.
What is the characteristic of ice?
Ice is cold and hard.
What will happen if we don’t drink enough water?
Our body will get dehydration.
How much water should we drink each day?
6-8 glasses
Why is polluted air harmful?
Because it can make us sick.
What actions can we do to keep the air clean?
Walk or ride bikes, take a bus, plant more trees.
This thing needs air for .................
What makes a swimming ring float on the water?
Because there is air inside
What is the characteristic of polluted air?
Polluted air is dirty and smelly.
What is wind?
Wind is moving air.
What are the characteristics of clean air?
Clean air has no smell and no colour.
Why can’t we see air?
Because it is colourless / has no colour
Air is very useful. What are the uses of air?
Air is needed for breathing, burning and moving things.