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History review 1800-s to 1900's pt 1

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During the slave trade, most slaves that worked in America came from?
South America
What goods were sent to Britain from America in the triangular trade route?
Tobacco, sugar, coffee, and cotton
Woven cloth, furniture, and weapons
Silver, gold, and diamonds
Tea, silk, and spices
Who was very influential in ending the slave TRADE?
William Wilberforce
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
The King of England
President against slavery & served in the House of Rep. AFTER being president?
John Quincy Adams
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
What was Andrew Jackson (7th president) known for?
The Indian Removal Act
The Emancipation Proclamation
The Star-Spangled Banner
The Louisianna Purchase
*Why did Irish people emigrate to the US in the early to mid 1800’s?
There was a potato famine
They were paid a large bonus by the Irish government
They had money to buy land in the United States
They wanted to escape religious persecution
*Who was the man who founded China Inland Mission?
Hudson Taylor
Sam Houston
Giuseppi Mazzini
John Brown
*Longfellow wrote, “Listen my children & you will hear; of the midnight ride of ___”
Paul Revere
One black steer
A great fear
The headless horseman
What was Queen Victoria’s display of invention’s called?
The Great Exhibition
Science World Fair
The Awesome Display
In what building were all the inventions were displayed in London in 1851?
The Crystal Palace
The Eiffel Tower
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
What did, “The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire?” mean?
Britain had colonies all over the world
Britain was so far north that it never got dark.
Britain had a different system of time (no morning, no night
Britain had a mobile empire which sailed really fast
In Europe, 1848 was known as the year of the ______?
In “Young Italy,” how did Unitarian government differ from Federalism?
Unitarian gov’t should have control over local gov’t
Unitarian gov’t should NOT have control over local gov’t
Unitarian gov’t is the same as Federalism
The Crimean War centered around control of what major city?
In the Crimean War, who wanted more control in the Black Sea?
Who did Russia fight against in the Crimean War?
The Ottoman Empire, England, and France
The Israelites, the Germans, and the Italians
The United States and Great Britain
Portugal and Greece
T or F: After Crimean War, Russia controlled Sevostopol but could not warships in the Black Sea.
*Which are nursing improvements made by Florence Nightingale after Crimean war?
Hand-washing and cleaning hospital rooms
X-ray and Cat-scan machines in all hospitals
Penicillin as an antibiotic and ibuprofen as a pain kille
Leaving sheets and blankets dirty