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Dyson sphere

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What is the potential outcome if humanity successfully builds a Dyson Sphere
The ability to travel to other stars
How does the video describe the transition from a planetary species to an interstellar species
Necessary for a species to expand beyond its home planet
Why is it important for the swarm satellites to be made of lightweight materials
To keep costs down
What are the challenges involved in building a Dyson Sphere
Getting enough raw material
What is the potential benefit of building a Dyson Sphere
Basically unlimited energy
What is the proposed design for a Dyson sphere
Lots of orbiting solar panels
Why is Mercury considered the best planet for obtaining raw materials
It has lots of metal, is close to the sun, is close to earth, and has no atmosphere
What is the main source of energy for a Dyson Sphere
The sun (or local star)
What technology is suggested to be used for launching the swarm satellites into space
Which planet is considered the best candidate for obtaining raw materials to build a Dyson swarm
According to the video, what is the purpose of building a Dyson Sphere
To harness the energy of the Sun for unlimited power
Name 2 of the 4 major pieces of technology needed to build a Dyson sphere.
The four major pieces of technology required are solar collectors, miners, refiners, and launch equipmen
What does the video say about the possibility there are already Dyson spheres in the universe?
The video suggests that there may already be Dyson Spheres in the Milky Way galaxy. While none have been spotted yet.
What is a nucleus?
The center of an atom
What is renewable energy?
Energy that can be natural replaced easily (such as solar or wind power)
What does intergalactic mean?
between galaxies; going from one galaxy to another
What does automate mean?
To make a process automatic
What are the next types of energy likely to be used by humans?
Renewables and fusion
How much more powerful is the sun than our current nuclear reactors?
1 quintillion
According to the video, the amount of energy the sun makes per second is equal to what?
1 trillion nuclear bombs
What is the term used to describe a construction the size of a Dyson sphere?
A mega structure
What is the name for the likely design of a Dyson sphere, conisting of many solar panels?
A Dyson swarm
How many 1 sqaure kilometer solar panels would be needed to surround the sun?
30 quadrillion