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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hang is the fattest girl in my class.
No girl in my class is taller than Hang.
No house in the street is older than this house.
This house is the oldest house in the street.
Quang is 1.75 meters tall. Vinh is 1.65 meters tall.
Quang is taller than Vinh.
The Red River is 1,200 kilometers long. The Nile River is 6,437 kilometers long.
The Nile River is much longer than the Red River.
How many classes are there in your school?
How many classes does your school have?
That classroom is small.
That is a small classroom.
Peter is Mary’s brother.
Mary is Peter's sister.
My house has four floors.
There are four floors in my house.
Mr. and Mrs. Black have a son , John.
John is Mr and Mrs. Black's son.
Mr Ba rides his motorbike to work everyday.
Mr Ba gets to work by motorbike everyday.
My school has six hundred students.
There are six hundred students in my school.
The supermarket is behind the bank.
The bank is in front of the supermarket.
The children are walking to school now.
The children are going to school on foot now.
Nam is tall. Hung is taller.
Hung is taller than Nam.
Let's go camping in Suoi Mo.
Why don't we go camping in Suoi Mo?
How much is a bottle of cooking oil?
How much does a bottle of cooking oil cost?