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Narrative Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The students _____ the past perfect continuous _______.
wished / had never been invented
had been wishing/ wasn't invented
had wished/ wasn't invented
had been wished/ hadn't been invented
I knew Susan ______ to me just by looking at her face.
hadn't been listening
didn't listen
hadn't just listened
couldn't listen
At 3pm yesterday, we ________ on the beach.
were lying
had been lying
had lain
How long _______ before she ran the marathon?
had she been training
she had been training
she was training
she had been trained
My husband and I _________ together for two years before we _____ our first house.
had already been living/ bought
lived/ had bought
had been living/ were bought
used to live/ had bought
While I _______ to work, John _______ me constantly.
was trying/ was disturbing
tried/ had been disturbed
had tried/ had disturbed
was trying/ had disturbed
Before he _____ his back, Jack ________ to compete in the Olympics.
hurt/ had been hoping
had been hurting/ hoped
had been hurt/ was hoping
hurted/ hoped
When I was about nine years old, I _________ to the cinema every Saturday afternoon.
used to go
had been going
was going
had gone
Is it correct? The man who was driving the taxi was looking slightly familiar.
I _______ when the giant spider _______ on my head.
was sleeping/ fell
had been sleeping/ had felt
had slept/ was falling
had been slept/ fell
Ava and I _____ hungry because we ________ dinner.
weren't/ had just had
hadn't been/ had just been having
weren't feeling/ had
hadn't been being/ had just had
Maria _________ go to the cinema because she _________ the movie.
didn't want to/ had already seen
hadn't wanted to/ already saw
had been wanting to/ hadn't yet seen
wanted/ hadn't already been seen
Susan ____ really angry because she _______ her tea.
was/ hadn't drunk
was being/ hadn't drunk
had been/ hadn't been drinking
wasn't/ hadn't not drunk
By the time we _____ at the bar, it _________
arrived/ had already closed
had arrived/ had already been closed
were arriving/ was already closing
had been arriving/ was already closed
We ____ to go to Peru because we _______ there before.
wanted/ had never been
were wanting/ hadn't already gone
had been wanting/ hadn't been gone
had been wanted/ hadn't been
When I _____ the curtains this morning, I saw it _______ all night.
opened/ had been snowing
was opening/ had snowed
had opened/ was snowing
opened/ snowed
Frank realised he ____ a terrible mistake as soon as he ____ the email.
had made/ sent
was making/ had sent
had been making/ was sending
had been made/ sent