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Investigating History & Otzi

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How many years is a decade?
10 years
What is the term for 100 years?
A century
How many years is a millenium?
1000 years
What does AD mean?
'Annp Domini' - after death
what does CE mean?
'Common Era'
What does BC mean?
Before Christ
What does BCE mean?
Before Common Era
How old did Otzi prove to be?
5.300 years old
What special tool was found with Otzi?
An axe with a copper head
What is a primary source?
Something that was made at the time
What is a secondary source?
Something that is made after the events
Where was Otzi found?
On a glacier in the Alps
Why is a grid system used in archaeology?
To record the correct location of artifacts
what is stratigraphy in archaeology?
The study of layers of soil and debris at an archaeological site
What does chronology mean?
To list time and the order in which events occur
What is archaeology?
The study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of artifacts
What does the study of Otzi tell us?
About his life as a neolithic mace
How many tattoos were found on Otzi's body?
What is the name of the container that Otzi's arrovs were stored in?
A quiver
What was the name of the Alps Otzi was found in?
The Otzal Alps