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Animal Wisdom/ The Last Wolf Poem review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word means "knowledge"?
What word means "to want or have the desire to learn about something"?
What does the word "soar" mean?
to fly
to shake
to go up
easy to be broken
What word means "the ability to understand something"?
What does the word "fragil" mean?
easy to be broken
a maze of buildings
to go up
something is destroyed
What word means "to demand something"?
What does the word "ruin" mean?
something that is destroyed
a maze of buildings
to shine on and off
to sniff or smell
What does the word "baying" mean?
a long, howling sound
the long part of the nose and mouth of an animal
easy to hurt/harm
to sniff or smell
What word means "a maze of buildings"?
What word means "tall building"?
What word means "to shine on and off"?
What word means "to go up"?
What word means "a complaining cry"?
What does the word "snuffle" mean?
to sniff or smell
What word means "the long part of the nose and mouth of an animal"?
What word means "to shake"?
What word means "easy to hurt/harm"?
Animal Wisdom: What are two types of figurative language in this poem? Explain your answer.
Answer Vary
Animal Wisdom: What message does the turtle share?
The animals are too busy to enjoy life.
Animal Wisdom: What message does the bear share?
The animals do not have a place to call home.
Animal Wisdom: What message does the eagle share?
The animals don't know how to laugh and enjoy life to avoid conflict.
Animal Wisdom: What message do people share?
They realize that we should all spend more time enjoying life and admiring the beauty in small things.
The Last Wolf: What is the wolf a symbol of in this poem?
He is a symbol of nature and the world before people.
The Last Wolf: How does the author describe the setting in this poem?
She describes it as a ruined city that doesn't have any people
The Last Wolf: What does the narrator say to the wolf at the end of the poem?
She tells the wolf that she understands that humans have destroyed the world.
The Last Wolf: What is the lesson that the author wanted us to learn from this poem?
Answers Vary.
Animal Wisdom: Which line is the best summary for what people felt was missing after their creation?
Defending the Earth
Taking time to explore
Seeing the beauty in nature
Fixing arguments
"The Last Wolf: Which is an example of onomatopoeia?
Animal Wisdom: Which of the following was NOT the author's purpose?
To show that humans have caused ruin
To show that animals have feelings
To show that we should protect the earth
To provide a message of hope
The Last Wolf: Which of the following was NOT the author's purpose?
To show that humans have caused ruin
To show that animals have feelings
To show that we should protect the earth
To provide a message of hope
What is the difference in the way humans are shown in both poems?
Humans are the solution in AW and the problem in TLW
Humans destroy things AW and create things in TLW
Humans are controlling in AW and accepting in TLW
Humans are struggling in AW and commanding in TLW
How are the themes different in each poem?
Answer Vary
At the end of poem poems, what is the common theme they share?
The need for humans and nature to take care of each other.
The distance/separation between humans and nature.
The differences between humans and nature.
The destruction (end) of humans and nature.