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Likes and Dislikes

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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traveling abroad
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
eating sweets
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
studying English
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
practicing sports
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
working overtime
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
people chewing loudly
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
listening to salsa music
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
watching romantic movies
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
drinking wine
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
reading books
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
visiting relatives
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
waking up early
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
petting animals
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
attending concerts or crowded events
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
going to the mountains
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
riding a motorcycle
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...
going grocery shopping
I like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I can't stand, I don't mind, I enjoy, I don't like...