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Modals of Deduction Present: Must, Could, Might  ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dara is behaving in a very unusual way. I think he ______ again. a. can't drink b. can be drinking c. might drink
c. might drink
I think there ______ a mistake in your report. You should check it. a. can't be b. might be c. must be
b. might be
If Jing E said that, it ______ true. She never lies. a. might be b. must be c. can be
b. must be
Sorry, but I'm not Saray. You ______ me for someone else. a. might be confusing b. must confuse c. must be confusing
c. must be confusing
I'm not sure I trust Chung Sing. He ______ the person we think he is. a. might not be b. can't be c. must not be
a. might not be
You have been walking for ten hours. You ______ exhausted. a. can be b. can't be c. must be
c. must be
He ______ his son, they look completely different. a. might be b. can't be c. must not be
b. can't be
There's a bit of traffic, so I ______ arrive in time. a. might not b. must not c. can not
a. might not
He ______ be very proud of you right now. You disappointed him. a. must not b. can't c. might
b. can't
I wouldn't swim in this river if I were you. It ______ dangerous. a. might be b. can't be c. can be
a. might be