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Hamlet is the prince of...
What's the name of the castle where the play starts?
Elsinore Castle
Hamlet's mother is the Queen and her name is...
The ghost looks like...
King Hamlet
Who sees the ghost first?
The guards
Ophelia is...
Polonius's daughter
Horatio is...
Hamlet's friend
King Claudius is...
Prince Hamlet's uncle / King Hamlet's brother
Hamlet thinks that King Claudius did something terrible. What?
He killed his father
How did Claudius kill King Hamlet?
By pouring poison in his ear
What does Hamlet decide to do to discover the truth?
He pretends to be mad
Who does Polonius tell about Hamlet's madness?
Claudius and Gertrude
Why does Polonius think Hamlet has become crazy?
Hamlet tells Ophelia words of love
Why is Ophelia frightened in part 2?
He seems to be mad and tells her words of love
What is Polonius' plan for testing his theory that Hamlet is love-sick?
He will use Ophelia to make Hamlet talk; he and the king will listening to the conversation
Why does Hamlet write a play including scenes that mimic the murder of Hamlet's father?
Because at the performance, Hamlet intends to watch Claudius closely to see how he reacts.
Why doesn't Hamlet kill his uncle when he sees him at the chapel?
Hamlet reasons that to kill the King now would only send his soul to heaven rather than hell. He wants his uncle to go to hell.
What are the names of Hamlet's university friends?
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Who is Laertes?
Polonius' son. Ophelia's brother.
What happened in murder and exile?
Hamlet unintentionally kills Polonius while talking to his mother. His uncle sends him to England and plans to get him killed there.