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End of week Bamboozle #2
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the best selling flavor of Pop- Tarts?
Including goalies, how many soccer players would you expect on the field during a game?
22 (11 for each team)
What does a meteorologist study?
the weather
(Your / You're) welcome. (which is correct?)
How many Jenga blocks are in a set? (36, 54, 72?)
What is the capital of California?
What is bigger, a blue whale or a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
A blue whale
In Ban This Book, what is Amy Anne's last name?
How old is Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter actor) today? (18, 25, 31, 40)
How many times greater is 43 than 0.43?
100 times greater
How many eggs are in 6 dozen?
72 eggs