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Business Applications of Social Media

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name a feature of Instagram that might be useful to an organisation using it to promote themselves
Name a feature of Twitter that might be useful to an organisation using it to promote themselves
Name a feature of Youtube that might be useful to an organisation using it to promote themselves
Name a feature of TikTok that might be useful to an organisation using it to promote themselves
Name a feature of LinkedIn that might be useful to an organisation using it to promote themselves
Name a feature of Facebook that might be useful to an organisation using it to promote themselves
Give a reason an org should use social media
What does SEO stand for?
Search Engine Optimisation
What tools can help an org see the effectiveness of their posts?
Identify 3 different types of content format that might be used on social media
Describe direct advertising
define Indirect advertising
Give a risk for orgs using social media
Name 3 demographic criteria/characteristics that an org might want to know about its customers
Why do orgs want to know the demographics of their followers?
What does SMART stand for - as in SMART target?
Name one thing probably covered in social media usage policy when representing an org
Give 2 ways an org can try to boost engagement from followers
If one post doesn't get good engagement on social media what can you do to make future posts more impactful?
Does good social media content guarantee a boost in search engine ranking?
How many people and who should you ask for feedback on your social media plan?