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A2 Unit 5 Review Game

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's Antonio B________. He's a very famous Spanish ________ .
Antonio Banderas, actor.
What's his job and nationality?
He was a composer and he was from Austria.
What was his job and nationality?
He was a writer and he was English.
What's his job?
He's a musician.
True or False: We use BUT with the past continuous to talk about an activity in progress when another, shorter activity happened or interrupted it.
False (We use WHILE)
True or False: We use the past continuous to describe scenes in a story or a description.
True or False: We use the past continuous to say that an action was stopped, and the activity was finished.
False (We use the past continuous to say that an action was in progress, but not that the activity was finished.
True or False: We use the past continuous to talk about activities in progress at a moment in the past.
Someone who paints pictures or makes sculptures is a ..?
An artist
Someone whose job is to prepare food in a restaurant is a ..?
A cook
Someone whose job is to cut people's hair is a ..?
A hairdresser
Someone who works in films or in a theatre is a ..?
An actor or an actress
Someone whose job is to clean the rooms in a building or a house is a ..?
A cleaner
Someone whose job is to look after your teeth is a ..?
A dentist
Someone whose job is to build or repair houses is a ..?
A builder
Someone who reports the news for a newspaper, a magazine, a TV show or a radio show is a ..?
A journalist
What's this place?
an office
What's this place?
A garage
What's this place?
The countryside
What's this place?
A (music) studio
What's this place?
A factory